Thursday, August 26, 2010

Outdoor Fuckfest in Anniston, AL

Hot Tipper Hillary Lee brings us these images from La Garde Park in Anniston, AL - August 24, 7 PM. Anniston is a town in Calhoun County and is situated on the slope of the beautiful Blue Mountain. According to Anniston STD Testing located at 1010 Christine Ave., the STI rates for the Anniston/Alabama area are as follows:
* The number of reported occurrences of Gonorrhea in Alabama in 2008: 9740
* The number of reported cases of Syphilis in Alabama in 2008: 449
* The number of reported cases of Chlamydia in Alabama in 2008: 24760
* The number of new reported cases of HIV in Alabama in 2008: 718 (a 55% increase)
* HIV rate per 100,000 people: 17.6
* Syphilis rate per 100,000 people: 9.7

As you can see, STDs are a growing concern in Anniston, Alabama and across the United States. Protect yourself by using safe sex practices.

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