Sunday, June 19, 2011

Safe Sex On The Beach!

Karly found this corroded condom on the beach of Bainbridge Island in Washington State!

Bainbridge Island, located in Kitsap County near Seattle, is pure $$$$$ and progressive politics - in July 2005, CNN/Money and Money magazine named Bainbridge Island the second-best place to live in the United States and both John Kerry and Barack Obama defeated their Republican opponents in the district 7 to 2.

So, to get a better picture of the sandy love-making that preceded this picture, imagine some pasty Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr types locking lips and groins with their trust funds fully erect and a waiting Prius nearby playing a Dave Matthews Band album. Forgive the overwrought regional pun - a Microsoft joke just wouldn’t make sense.

Besides the bank accounts and the wannabe-Kennedys, Bainbridge Island also boasts a few notable celebrities and people-of-note, including the original drummer of Nirvana, Chad Channing, SNL alum, Chris Kattan and adult film star and Penthouse cover model, Tori Black!

So thanks, Karly, for reminding the world that Bainbridge Island can still get its blood pumping beyond the aphrodisiacs of time-share options and political primaries!

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